Journalism and Sport, Advanced – Remote Production

Journalism and Sport, Advanced - Remote Production

Journalistic production, generation and investigation structures are evolving in a way that reflects the impact of the advancing technologies available to the sector. The new mass communication platforms, plus the on-going necessity for news consumption in the contemporary world, mean that anyone with a smartphone is a potential news producer. Content publication facilities and the appearance of remote collaborative environments have added agility and speed to the distribution of content, resulting in an explosion of the volume of information within arm’s reach of consumers.

Chair: Raimundo Lima - Editorial Director of SET Magazine and Director of Technology and Operations - SBT

With various decades of service to Brazilian free-to-air television, he has worked for Diários Associados, TV Manchete, TV Globo (GINY), TV Band, SBT, TV Cultura/SP and Esporte Interativo. Throughout this period, he has held different positions at the networks where he has worked in the Journalism, Sports, Drama and Entertainment departments. He has also worked at several teaching institutions like the University of Brasília, PUC/SP and the Fluminense Federal University, among others. He is currently Editorial Direct of the SET magazine and Technology and Operations Director of SBT.

Speaker: Roberto Cabrini – Anchor and Editor-in-Chief of the Conexão Repórter Program -SBT

Considered one of Brazil’s leading journalists, specializing in investigative journalism, war coverage and the defense of human rights, he has won practically every important award in his field (the Esso Award, the Press Trophy, the APCA, Vladmir Herzog and Líbero Badaró Awards. among others) in a career spanning three decades. More than anyone, Cabrini knows the importance of technology, allied with the principles of competent and responsible investigative journalism. Listening to him will be an experience not to be missed.

Speaker: Hugo Gaggioni – Chief Technology Officer – Sony Professional Solutions Americas

Joined Sony in 1988. With research interests ranging from digital video and image processing and information theory to video/audio compression and multidimensional signal processing, Mr. Gaggioni has served as session-chairman of 13 international conferences in the areas of HDTV and bandwidth compression systems. He was a member of the Advanced Television Advisory group to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (1987 to 1994). He is a Fellow of SMPTE and the recipient of the 2004 Leitch Gold Medal award for technology leadership. Mr. Gaggioni was chairman of the SMPTE technical groups on Digital Representation of the 1125/60 High Definition TV Standard (SMPTE 260M, 88-92) and Digital HDTV Serial Interfaces (SMPTE 292M, 93-96). He was also chairman for a SMPTE group on Editing of MPEG bit-streams for TV studio usage. Mr. Gaggioni represented Sony Corporation of America to the ANSI X3-L3 committee and the ISO/IEC MPEG coding group from 1988 to 1996. He has also given numerous presentations and tutorial courses on signal processing and advanced video technologies at international events sponsored by SMPTE, IEEE, and Eurasip organizations. He holds six patents and has authored 32 technical publications in the areas of video compression, digital filter banks and HDTV devices and systems. Mr. Gaggioni holds degrees in telecommunications, systems engineering, and electronic engineering from the University of Essex in Colchester, England; University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University, respectively.



Speaker: Paulo Zero - Journalist and Videographer - TV Globo

Paulo Bormann Zero was born in Niterói, RJ on November 29, 1957. He started his professional career in television journalism in 1978 on the TV GLOBO office in New York. He was a correspondent video reporter in the offices of TV GLOBO in New York, Washington D.C., Beijing and Paris. He also worked on TV GLOBO São Paulo and currently works on TV GLOBO Rio in the Fantástico program. He won the Comunique-se "MASTERS OF JOURNALISM" award as an image reporter, among others.